Welcome to your Heart-Action Package
Thank you for taking a stand for yourself AND contributing to the amazing non-profit causes that we are supporting through this series.
1) Full Schedule and Replays (below)
Below you’ll find the full live schedule of conversations, which will be updated with the downloadable MP3’s for each conversation as they take place.
2) Wisdom Integration Circles
Wisdom Integration Circles will take place on Thursdays at 7pmBST and last between 90-120 minutes. You’ll need your unique dial in number and pin code. Circles are scheduled for 8th, 15th, 22nd and 29th May. Please mark your diaries.
Please CLICK HERE to find out all the information you need to access those circles
Wisdom Integration Circle Week 1 Replay:
Wisdom Integration Circle Week 4 Replay:
3) Bonus Gifts and Live Online Workshops (including replays)
To download your bonus gifts, plus find out all the information about the workshops please
CLICK HERE – Then enter password BONUS14
Full Live Schedule and Replay Links
Thursday 1st May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Joey Walters – Taking a Stand for Yourself as a Stand for the World
I’ll be opening this feminine wisdom circle by sharing my own journey of ‘stepping up’ to A Call To Stand and how when we say YES to serving something much larger than ourselves, life will take us on the magical journey of learning to love ourselves and take stand for who we are and the unique gifts we bring. In this conversation co-hosted by my friend and colleague, Rose Diamond, I’ll share:
- How our callings speak to us in many ‘languages’ and how mine came clearer through nature, my body and the ‘pain’ of not living it.
- How the subtle fear of ‘success’ and loyalty to my past was the biggest block to my calling (so far!) and how you it could be for you too
- How to resource yourself to take your stand, with the power of your (and all our) amazing women ancestors!
‘I stand for the life-giving seed of potential in all woman, to express their true calling as feminine leaders in service to the flourishing of life within themselves and in the world.’ ~ Joey
Enjoy the replay for Joey’s call
Monday 5th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Elayne Doughty – Your PRESENCE is a gift – How can you BE the Difference?
www.graciasfoundation.org | www.elaynedoughty.com
What would truly move you to step outside of your comfort zone and take an action that is radical that your own life is forever changed by it? I invite listeners into my own story of a radical wake up call- that asked me to change my own life, take risks and have courage to face my own fears in Passionate SERVICE to all other women on our planet. The world changes when we KNOW that every one of us matters and that everything we think and do matters. In this conversation with Elayne you will:
- Learn about the Inner mountains that are in the way of you being the difference.
- Be inspired, activated and ignited into deeply caring for what you care about.
- Discover the 3 steps to activating your own potential
‘I stand for every one of us as women to discover the power of presence, to find our voice and take heartfelt compassionate action to BE the difference.’ ~ Elayne
Enjoy the replay for Elayne’s Call
Tuesday 6th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Clare Dakin – The Call of the Soul
Life knows who we are and what we’re really capable of. I’ll share my journey from a resistance filled ‘yes’, to deep service and gratitude: what holds us back, the beauty and risk of surrender and the magic that can happen when we take our own breaks off.
In this conversation with Clare you’ll:
- receive a direct transmission of lived courage that will speak to your heart and inspire creativity
- find clarity and encouragement about how to listen to and trust your deeper feminine knowing
- be able to try on a different quality of personal permission to have a go and move beyond fear whilst staying gentle with yourself
‘I stand for the radical potential made available through the embodied feminine leadership of women worldwide, in service to the restoration and reforestation of our natural world’ ~ Clare
Enjoy the replay for Clare’s call
Wednesday 7th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Sheva Carr – True Leaders are Led by their Hearts!
Are you a ‘student for life’ seeking a method which scientifically validates, gives greater understanding to and helps integrate the bliss, joy,healing, greater purpose, meaning, clarity and love of spirituality in your day-to-day living? Are you looking for a mainstream scientifically validated language with which to share the magic of love and peace as an ambassador of the heart with skeptical friends and family members, colleagues, in classrooms, boardrooms, hospitals, and more? Then this discovery conversation is for you!
In this conversation with Sheva you’ll:
- Gain immediate access to the ‘guide inside’ – a GPS guidance system within your own heart : ‘Google yourself’ and your own heart’s GPS for all the answers and guidance you seek!
- Dissolve stress and experience peace of mind anywhere, anytime no matter what your circumstances
- Learn amazing facts about the heart of your being that inspire awe and wonder at how we and the world work!
‘I stand for the love and peace that is at the root of everything.’ ~ Sheva
Enjoy the replay for Sheva’s Call
Thursday 8th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Spryte Loriano – Step Into Your Most Powerful Feminine Role
www.youthactioninternational.org | www.sprytelorianoglobal.com
I feel there is nothing more valuable to a human being than knowing his or her potential and blueprint for accessing it. People say we don’t come with a manual – but we do . It’s all around us. We live in an age where there are no more secrets – information is available. Now we need to strive to make sure every person on the planet has access to the information of unlocking their greatest gifts.
In this conversation with Spryte you’ll:
- How to say No so your Yes is authentic
- How to manifest real daily Miracles and Prosperity
- How to unlock your most powerful Feminine Role
‘I stand for inspiring myself and others to discover and live as the Delicious Miracle we truly are.’ ~ Spryte
Enjoy the replay for Spryte’s Call
Friday 9th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Polly Higgins – Being a Voice for the Earth
www.eradicatingecocide.com | www.eradicatingecocide.com
Life knows who we are and what we’re really capable of. I’ll be speaking from the heart about what I deeply care about; creating laws that govern and end Ecocide. It’s not often lawyers talk about love – and it can feel strange to do so. However, I believe love and law can be brought together and when the two meet, the potential to create new laws that put people and planet first is born.
In this conversation with Polly you’ll learn:
- How the simple overriding principle of ‘do no harm’ is the key to creating change
- What it means and what it really takes to become a ‘Voice for the Earth’
- How following your calling can dare you to be great
‘I Stand for Being a Voice for the Earth.’ ~ Polly
Enjoy the Replay for Polly’s Call
Monday 12th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
ALisa Starkweather – Our Fierce Feminine Lives ~ Where Our Big and Small Selves Learn to Cooperate
We say ‘Yes” to showing up bigger, being braver and more visible in our lives, and then by surprise our “No” arrives on the scene. How we navigate between our small self that wants to remain safe and our big self whose ready for action, requires skill. Learn to risk without sabotaging or losing your forward momentum.
In this conversation with ALisa you’ll:
- Learn to shift deep patterns of resistance and heal self-sabotage behaviors.
- Shadow Work tools that will help renegotiate your relationship to inner critics so that your big and small parts of self cooperate.
- What to expect in transformation and the importance of what steps to take when you are going through your own internal changes where your fierce feminine self is surfacing.
‘I stand for the sacred feminine rising, for wise women’s leadership on our planet and for the fierce feminine in us to be claimed in order to rebuild a woman honoring culture’. ~ ALisa
Enjoy the replay for ALisa’s call
Tuesday 13th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
WindEagle Kinney-Linton – What Would the World be Like if Women Stood Together as Sisters?
We live in the time of the Great Turning, and as women, we carry an important gift. In many of the old societies around the world that power is referred to as “Corn Mother”. This is a power to honor all that is sacred and holy, and to create a future that is filled with promise.
From the perspective of this timeless Earth Wisdom, WindEagle will help you:
- See your life as a journey to remember who you really are
- Balance the feminine and the masculine within you as the foundation of your well-being
- Learn from the ancient practice of the Women’s Council as model for embracing our collective wisdom
‘I am called to stand for the balance of the feminine and the masculine in our societies, in our relationships and in ourselves.’ ~ WindEagle
Enjoy the replay for WindEagle’s call
Wednesday 14th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Jewels Wingfield – Re-claiming the True Feminine for Total Transformation of our World
Jewels will share her clear perspective on how the environmental (and political, social, financial) crises that we are currently experiencing is not the real problem. It’s simply a symptom of the real problem at source which is the supression, disconnection and violation of the feminine aspect in humanity. The real cause is simply the disconnect from the feminine in all of us.
In this conversation with Jewels you’ll discover:
- A better understanding of what the feminine principle actually is and what feminine leadership looks like.
- An inspiring, energizing and empowering perspective on the current global situation that speaks directly to women (rather than leaving women feeling hopeless, powerless and overwhelmed)
- Guidance about what women can do NOW in their own lives that does not cost money that will give her a way to stop giving herself from an empty and exhausted place.
‘I stand in support of the deep necessity to reclaim the feminine principle in all of humanity in order to transform our environmental, political and social global crisis.’ ~ Jewels
Enjoy the replay for Jewels’ call
Click here to download the replay
Thursday 15th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Chameli Ardagh – Dharma Shakti ~ the source for outrageous creativity and ability to manifest your vision
The power of Dharma Shakti, the longing to show up, to contribute with the unique flavor of you, is shared by all of life. Look at the flowers, the animals, everybody wants to take part, with all we’ve got. So why do we make it so personal? Why do we make it about “being good enough”, or the “right moment” or “getting it”? Here is a secret key, sister: it’s not really about you. You are being danced by something much bigger than you. In that moment of getting out of your own way, you enter the stream of Dharma~ the power to make your dreams come through.
In this conversation with Chameli you’ll learn:
- To tap into and draw upon the evolutionary potential of your vision
- Why your loyalty to your unworthiness is the biggest ego trip.
- How to get out of your own way
‘I stand for embodying the Big Love and to support other women to do the same.’ ~ Chameli
Enjoy the replay for Chameli’s call
Friday 16th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Stephanie Mines – Manifest Your Essence ~ Differentiate From Personal and Intergenerational Trauma in Your Mind-body
The world we live in constantly inundates us with sensory overload and images of violence, activating our personal and intergenerational experiences of wounding that is held in the cells of our bodies. From the basis of her personal transformation and her research as a neuroscientist, Dr. Stephanie Mines helps you chart a course to personal empowerment, differentiating yourself forever from the shock and trauma that is held in your history.
In this conversation with Stephanie you’ll:
- Extract your individuated purpose from the toxic soup of wounding, media and the suffering lineages;
- Teach your nervous system through subtle touch to find its innate integrity and power;
- Remind yourself that you are in the present, victorious over the past and step into empowerment NOW.
‘I stand for the potent resources that help us differentiate from Trauma and claim the mighty destiny of personal truth and power.’ ~ Stephanie
Enjoy the replay for Stephanie’s call
Monday 19th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Dr Kate Siner – I See You: Taking action from your core
www.largervisions.com | www.katesiner.com
Dreams require DOING to make them real. Kate will share her story of how she created both a dream business and her meaningful non profit work helping women in Guatemala end gender-based violence. You’ll learn from her own experience, how to stay clear in your vision and true to yourself as you navigate the ups and downs of bringing your work to the world.
In this conversation with Kate you’ll:
- Stay connected to your core and on track when working with others.
- Move through fear and setbacks with grace
- Make your most powerful positive impact (stop playing small!)
‘I stand for creating change through deeply sourced connection and action in all parts of our lives.’ ~ Kate
Enjoy the replay for Kate’s call
Please Note: Lynn Serafinn unfortunately had to postpone due to unforeseen personal circumstances and will hopefully be joining us later in the year for one of our bonus calls. Joey replaced her session.
Tuesday 20th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Joey Walters – Awaken Your Gift and Take Your Stand as a Feminine Leader
Feeling the call to make a difference is a potent gift from life that steers and readies us to be and become our true potential. Yet moving from the yearning we feel into true leadership of our contribution in the world requires us to see, acknowledge and OWN our unique gift. I’d like to share with you how in my own journey of leadership, I began to see a clear blueprint for HOW we can each discover the ‘sweetspot’ of our soulful calling as a feminine leader.
In this conversation, Joey will share:
- The four circles of movitation and discovery that will help you to OWN your gift and take your Stand
- What gets in the way of fully ‘owning’ what’s yours to bring.
- How identifying with being a feminine leader will empower you to move forward with courage
‘I stand for the life-giving seed of potential in all woman, to express their true calling as feminine leaders in service to the flourishing of life within themselves and in the world.’ ~ Joey
Enjoy the replay for Joey’s call
Wednesday 21st May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Cindy Schulson – Put Your Authentic Message Into Action
Marketing can feel so uncomfortable and overwhelming, especially when your real desire is to share your passion with the world and make a difference to others. I’ll be sharing my story of how I followed my own passion and how to make marketing more natural so you can stand out in a way that is true to who you are.
In this conversation with Cindy you’ll discover:
- How to stand out uniquely from the crowd instead of just following the crowd
- What kinds of messages you need for your business or project if you want to attract the people you’re really here to serve
- How to make marketing more natural and authentic by taking an inside out approach to sharing your message
‘I stand for making marketing easier and more natural, so we don’t just look to the outside for answers but look within ourselves.’ ~ Cindy
Enjoy the replay for Cindy’s call
Thursday 22nd May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Leela Somaya – How to Take Great Care of Yourself AND Create the Work/Business You Want, the Feminine Way
I will share with you my own story of how I found my mission and the transformation I experienced as I brought my WHOLE self to my life and business. I’ll show you how to create business from your inner wisdom and the divine feminine so you can give from your surplus and replenish yourself, other humans and the planet while giving.
In this conversation with Leela you’ll discover:
- 3 secrets to creating your business from a foundation of divine feminine self-care
- How to invoke your Shakti energy so your life and business feels delicious, fun and easy, no matter what’s actually happening
- The truth about effective business planning and abundant income … and how to create it the feminine way
‘I am a stand for you bringing your whole self to business and life . . . instead of holding back or pushing down parts of yourself because they don’t “fit” into some mold.’ ~ Leela
Enjoy the replay for Leela’s call
Friday 23rd May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Miriam Mason Martineau – Redefining Motherhood: Integrating Our Soul Calling and Our Service As Parents
www.nextstepintegral.org | www.integralparenting.com
Motherhood and bringing our gifts to the world are often seen as separate, even opposing and incompatible paths. Miriam Mason Martineau argues that this split needs to be transcended, and that integration is possible, allowing for a much fuller expression of feminine care and leadership. In this conversation we will explore how parenting as a spiritual practice offers one of our greatest opportunities for transformation and contribution to the larger whole, as well as to the well-being of each child.
In this conversation with Miriam you’ll:
- Get clear on who you really are, and live from that source inspiration
- Dispel the myth, “You can have it all” and replace it with something much more empowering and true
- Build upon the foundation of a sacred contract with self and other
‘I stand for revaluing parenting as one of the most potent and effective ways to drive evolution forward, both in ourselves, in our children, and subsequently in our world.’ ~ Miriam
Enjoy the replay for Miriam’s call
Monday 26th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Dr. Eve Agee – Body Wisdom and Vibrant Wellness as the Gateway to True Feminine Power
www.transformcoachingacademy.com | www.eveagee.com
As women we are being called to usher in this great transition currently underway on the planet. As the old ways become obviously unsustainable, it can feel intimidating to know how to move forward toward our new collective future. Yet inside you, and each of us, is the embodied wisdom that will allow us to collectively birth a brighter reality together. For us to all play the role we are meant to play, it’s essential that we find new ways to connect with and nourish our bodies, our health and our feminine power.
In this conversation with Dr. Eve you’ll:
- Learn new ways to connect to your body wisdom that will support you as the true feminine leader you are
- Discover the keys to have vibrant wellness as you step into your calling
- Find out how to transform sabotaging relationships with your body and set yourself free!
Enjoy the replay for Dr Eve’s call
Tuesday 27th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Kim Weichel – Feminine Leadership – Becoming a Peacebuilding Change Agent
Kim Weichel will share gems of wisdom from her rich life journey as a peace-builder and change-leader from her grass roots experience in her work against apartheid in South Africa to working with the United Nations advocating for the empowerment of women and girls. Wherever you are on our journey as a change maker, learning to take a stand as a peace-builder, whether in your community, region or country, is a natural leadership progression from which we can draw courage and strength for the health and well-being of our world.
In this conversation with Kim you’ll learn:
- Why women are the natural peace builders and how we are needed as the new change-makers of our time
- How we can nurture the feminine qualities of leadership to cultivate peace
- How to take your stand for peace – wherever you are in your life and work
‘I stand to inspire and encourage women and girls to step forward as feminine leaders in the world.’ ~ Kim
Enjoy the replay for Kim’s call
Wednesday 28th May – 5pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET
Joey Walters, Rose Diamond and Whole Circle ~ Getting our Inspired ACTS Together ~ Completion Circle.
The truth is that each of us have untold wisdom to share, whether through our messiest pain or though our most profound realisations and actions. Today’s call is an opportunity for us to honour our collective wisdom and create space for your voice to be heard. On this call we’ll make space for sharing and create a beautiful completion to our time as we step into our callings and empower ourselves to take action.
Please contemplate these questions and come with courage and open heart to share (if you choose):
- What has touched you, inspired you, opened you?
- What transformation has taken/is taking place in you?
- Where is your ‘growing edge’ now?
- What heart-inspired action you are called to take?
What a rich and powerful gathering this was. We ran well over time (2.5hours!) but it was SO worthwhile to listen and share in the way we did. Thank you so much for all your beautiful voices here. Much love and blessings! Joey x
Enjoy the replay for Our Completion Circle