Welcome to your Heart-Action Package ~
Bonuses and Live Online Workshops
For the Full Schedule, Downloadable Replays and information about the Wisdom Integration Circles:
CLICK HERE – then enter password: COURAGE
Here’s how A Call to Stand’s ‘Heart-Action’ package can help you take heart-inspired action to follow your calling . . .
Below are all the bonus gift links, plus information about the Live Online Workshops
If you want to stop living in the past or future and say goodbye to the addiction of constant ‘doing’, easily come into your ‘being’ and ground yourself in presence . . .
You’ll love . . . Getting Here Now: Grounding, Rooting and Expanding Series – from Elayne Doughty
This wonderful 3-part guided audio series is specifically designed to help you get here now! In each meditation you are guided through a process to bring all parts of yourself to the present moment. An essential tool as you move towards taking heart-inspired action.
Click here for Elayne’s bonus gift
If you want to step into your ‘visionary entrepreneur’ and start or uplift your heart-inspired business with clarity and confidence . . .You’ll love . . . Your Mission Map: Claim Alchemise and Magnetise – from Leela Somaya
This is a wonderful selection of audios and workbooks where Leela will help you claim your mission, alchemise your fear into faith and magnetise wild wealth and abundance.
Click here for Leela’s bonus gift
If you need to break through the confusion about how to prioritise the multiple demands on your time and energy and find honest clarity about where you really need to focus your attention and action . . .
You’ll love . . . Discovering your True Priorities: The first step in making real change happen – from Miriam Mason Martineau
Through guided reflections, this powerful reflective worksheet will help you get really honest about how you are currently living your life and what choices you are presently making. This discernment is key to making any real headway in aligning your daily life with what you most deeply believe in and value. Then you can allow the future to inspire and lift the present, step by step to your envisioned future.
Click here for Miriam’s bonus gift
If you want more than the theory and conceptual books that are out there about the divine feminine and learn how to bring your own women’s temple group together . . .
You’ll love . . . Create your own Women’s Temple Group ~ Guidelines and Practices E-book – From Chameli Ardagh
“Creating your own Women’s Temple” e-manual presents a rare peek into a vibrantly
alive women’s culture where women meet for a radically fresh and embodied exploration of
feminine spirituality. In this (wo)manual, you will find the ABC’s of how to create your own group.
Click here for Chameli’s bonus gift
If you need a quick and practical way to come home to your body and the present when you feel ‘activated’ and out of balance . . .You’ll love . . . the TARA Approach Self-Care guidebook will be your miracle gift – from Stephanie Mines
This step-by-step comprehensive handbook mentors you through applied touch interventions that you can implement in the privacy of your own environment whenever you need to awaken your hidden potential or when you feel derailed by activation or challenges. This gift will be your lifetime friend, insuring you nervous system resilience and immune strength forever.
Click here for Stephanie’s bonus gift (NB. Please enter password: calltostand)
If you’d like to use poetry as a vehicle for a creative practice that opens you to self-care, deepening wisdom, discovery and guidance . . .Then you’ll love . . . Songs of Awakening e-book – from Rose Diamond
This beautiful e-book is a collection of poems, written at dawn as a daily consciousness practice, over a few months, and exploring a passage of spiritual transition and transformation. “Since we are each a cell in an interconnected web of energy and consciousness, I know these poems are not personal but a reflection of our collective movement into higher consciousness. I see them as little maps of consciousness unfolding from the deep place of wisdom where poetry lives.”
Click here for Rose’s bonus gift
If you want a greater awareness of your own state and a deeper experience of listening-in to what your whole system needs in order to regain personal balance and authority. . .
You’ll love . . . Receiving Yourself: listening through embodiment – A Live Online Workshop with Clare Dakin
This is a highly experiential and very personal journey around the TreeSisters Map of 5 choices in which the 5 invitations can support you to receive the uncluttered knowing that arises through physical intuition. If you tend to burn out by over-giving, over-doing and over-riding your own energies whilst sidelining your own needs or creativity then this workshop will nourish and support you whilst highlighting a way of being that strengthens the muscles needed to regain personal balance and authority. You will:
Understand the WHY NOW of women in terms of the dance between masculine and feminine energies on this planet and why our embodied and nature-based leadership is crucial at this time.
feel grounded, energized and informed both by the map and by your own embodied intuition
be gifted a map that you can use at any time to access your deeper knowing and have a much clearer sense of what TreeSisters is, as a revolutionary campaign on behalf of the Feminine Principle, nature and women
“I have come out of the experience so light and full of energy. Such an eye opener to the blocks in my being and highlighted my disconnection from my body and my earth mother.”
Thursday 5th June from 5pm- 7pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET.
Click here to download MP3
N.B. For anyone wanting to participate on-goingly in the TreeSister full moon calls, the recordings of what has already been (including nature based meditations and direct map work from the TreeSister map of 5 choices) can be found on soundcloud.com here. The upcoming full moon summer solstice meditation called ‘The Embodied YES’ is this Friday at 6pm UK, and the details can be found here. It is another experiential journey around the Map exploring how to step into your fullness to match summers fullness! Everyone is welcome!
If you want to find your way through a haze of self-doubt, resistance and confusion about what your calling really is, and how to value and embrace the unique gift that is truly yours to bring . . .
You’ll love . . . Awaken Your Gift – How to discover and own your unique ‘medicine’, and take your stand as a feminine leader – A Live Workshop with Joey Walters.
In this 2 hour workshop, Joey will share a simple but powerful blueprint that will help you to clarify the ‘sweetspot’ of your calling and ‘own’ your unique gift, so you can step up with full self-authority as a feminine leader and make the difference you’re here to make. You’ll be guided to explore your unique ‘constellation’ of this blueprint which reveals the four 4 key ‘circles of discovery’ that will help you to:
clarify the ‘sweetspot’ of your true calling and the unique gift you’re here to bring
access your body’s deeper knowing of what is supporting you and what is holding you back
take YOUR stand, come out of hiding and share your authentic contribution.
Thursday 12th June from 5pm- 7pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET.
If you’re called to step into your full power, to give your gifts in order to live out your purpose but often find yourself afraid and so you hold yourself back?
You’ll love . . . Answering the Call of Your Fierce Feminine Life – A live online workshop with ALisa Starkweather.
ALisa is a long-term visionary who has witnessed the impossible become possible over and over again.
In this intimate 2-hour workshop with her, she’ll share the four most important steps you must take to succeed in bringing your dream visions into form. You’ll learn:
Learn about three things that block you that can keep you stuck and how you can make the shifts you are ready for in a powerful way with your wildwoman wisdom intact
Discover how to take the risks you dare to take without further delay
Gain support from your saboteur so that you get the green light to move forward on your projects and vision
Thursday 17th July from 5pm-7pm BST, 9am PT, 12pm ET.
We hope you enjoy these bonuses and look forward to being with you during the live workshops.
Anything more you’d like to know?
We’ve done our best to provide the information we know you’ll want in order to make a good decision about getting extra support.
However, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to check out the FAQ on our webpage here. Or you can contact us at support@awakeningfeminineleaders.com
Together with all of our Wisdom Mentors I look forward to taking this inspirational journey with you as we take a stand together!
Be courageous,
Joey x