A Call to Stand

How could YOU transform the world if you fully embraced your feminine wisdom?

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The world is waking up. Life is calling us as women. How will you respond?

You’ve noticed it, haven’t you? The world is waking up, and life itself
is calling you to listen to your feminine wisdom.

Our planet – our society – is starting to change. The seeds of the transformation we’ve craved for so long are slowly beginning to sprout. And we, as women, are being called to step forward in service of that change.

You can feel the call to be part of that transformation, deep down inside. It’s a fiercely loving call to take a stand for life . . . to make your unique contribution as a woman. An unshakeable call to allow the buds of purpose and potential within you to blossom.

Forest LoveIf you had to answer it alone, the unknowable scale might overwhelm you. The all-too-natural fear of committing to a wholehearted YES might well turn you away.


The good news is that you’re NOT alone.

We’re all feeling that same yearning together. Some of us are already answering the call – creating breathtaking transformation in the fabric of society. Others are not yet clear what their contribution is.

Wherever we are in the process of responding though, we can support each other. We can collaborate to create something far greater than the sum of our individual parts.

However, feeling the call to make a difference is one thing . . . knowing how to answer it authentically is another.

We’re each in a different place as we respond to life’s call. And each one of us faces different challenges in answering it.

  • You might sense the difference that life is calling you to make, but feel confused about how it’s supposed to look . . . one moment, your dream is vibrantly clear; the next, doubts sets in.
  • Perhaps you’ve started to create the change you’re called to make, but keep finding yourself stuck and unable to move forward . . . you know where you’re heading, but old patterns of fear are holding you back
  • Maybe you’re already taking courageous action, but defaulting to old ‘masculine’ ways of working that disconnect you from your Self . . . and you find yourself overriding your own authentic needs for self-care.

And all of us – regardless of where we are in the process of responding – need the supporting power of community to make our unique contributions. We need the synergies that come from sharing our wisdom together, merging our collective energies to uplift us beyond all that resistance.


Join thousands of women from around the globe in A Call to Stand . . .

What a wonderful global women’s web you have created to help hold and nurture this precious Earth…I am so honoured to be a part of it!

A Call to Stand is a Feminine Wisdom Circle and Fundraising Teleseries designed to support you in answering YOUR call to stand. It brings together over 16 of the wisest women mentors and social change leaders with change-makers like you from around the world. Over 28 days, these wisdom mentors will share their stories, their challenges and their wisdom and help you to:

  • ACTS Logo_no circleConnect with your own calling, gain insight into your unique purpose, and contribute to the transformation you care most about in the world.
  • Own your inherent value and capacity for contribution without having to become someone you’re not.
  • Access your own authentic power and feminine wisdom, and use them to move beyond the fear and resistance that hold you back.
  • Take a stand for the change you’re called to create and take inspired action (without sacrificing your well-being!)

When you register free, you’ll be able to access these live conversations by phone or webcast, ask questions and listen to the replays online for 48 hours after each call. You’ll also have access to our private facebook community to engage with other women who, like you, are stepping up to share their unique gifts and take their stand.

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Are you ready to step up and into your true feminine power?

Register for A Call to Stand: A Feminine Wisdom Circle with three core weeks of unwavering inspiration and guidance from our wisdom mentors.

What you have created with A Call to Stand is beyond words. I feel the power of the circle every time I tune into it at any moment of the day, and the nightly talks have given me so much courage and inspiration to continue on this sometimes arduous but always magical journey.

Each week is dedicated to a different part of the journey of answering life’s call. And because that journey is cyclical – rather than linear – you’ll find something of value in every week, regardless of where you are right now.



Taking a stand for yourself as a stand for the world

Joey_100“Beginning the journey – why are we really here and what is this call to stand all about?”

Joey Walters will open the circle with a preview call on 1st May. She’ll share the inspiration and purpose for A Call to Stand as we begin to create a resourcing container for us moving forward.


week1 Awakening the bud of inspiration – saying YES to your call to stand

“How do we listen deeply to our own calling, trust its guidance, and say YES to who we really are and what we’re here to do?”

Hear the stories of inspirational feminine leaders in social change who’ve courageously answered the call and taken their stand through humanitarian work. Understand the many and varied ways you can hear life’s calling and receive its signs.


week2Taking a stand for yourself – navigating the inner path of transformation

“How can we stay connected to our feminine wisdom and move beyond the fear that keeps us from answering the call and sharing our gifts?”

Dive deeply into the transformational journeys that our wisdom mentors experienced themselves when they said yes to their callings. Learn to navigate the resistance that inevitably comes up when you align with your true identity and step up to make your difference in the world.


week3Turning your love into action and truly blossoming as a feminine leader

“How can we take a stand in the world with new structures that honour our feminine wisdom and allow us to make our difference without compromising our authenticity or wellbeing?”

Discover the different ways our wisdom mentors are grounding their callings and making an impact whilst interweaving feminine wisdom and authentic ways of working into their social initiatives, businesses and lives.



Sharing Our Stories of Wisdom, Inspiration and Heart-Inspired Action

“How can we support one another to take action moving forward?”

Join bonus calls with Dr. Eve Agee and Kim Weichel. Joey and Rose Diamond will complete the series on May 28th. However, look out for more bonus conversations as we share stories from other inspirational feminine leaders and continue to build community.


How does the fundraising aspect of A Call to Stand work?

Signing up for A Call to Stand and accessing the support, guidance and mentoring
of our feminine wisdom circle is completely free.

However, several of our wisdom mentors have a specific vision of social or environmental change
– an initiative they are leading in the world. And every single mentor involved is freely giving their time and wisdom
as a gift to support these causes, without financial gain.

To enable you to support these initiatives and contribute to this social change movement, you’ll receive an opportunity to upgrade your registration after you sign up.

This upgrade is totally optional, and will also provide you with more support in taking your stand. If you choose to take advantage of it, please know that 100% of any profits will go to support our wisdom mentors’ non-profit initiatives.

This means that A Call to Stand is a completely non-profit event

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If you need to contact us for support in registering please email support@awakeningfeminineleaders.com
